- artikelveld: set1
- artikel2veld: set2
Global, Site:
SEO settings:
Use URL Rewriting: from no to yes
Cookie Settings:
Cookie domain: .domain.com
Cookie Path: /
Global, System:
Session Settings:
Session Handler from Database to PHP
Session Lifetime: from 15 to 30
Global, Server:
Force https: entire site
Server Time Zone
Mail settings: from mail and from name, PHP mail
Global, Articles, Integration:
URL Routing: from Legacy to Modern
Remove ID's from URL: from no to yes
Enable Custom Fields: from no to yes
Global, Contacts, Integration:
URL Routing: from Legacy to Modern
Remove ID's from URL: from no to yes
Enable Custom Fields: from no to yes
Global, Templates:
Preview Module positions: from disabled to enabled (?tp=1)
Global, Users, Integration:
URL Routing: from Legacy to Modern
Enable Custom Fields: from no to yes
show name/usersname: set from User to Username
System - SEF:
set email domain name (https://)
System - Session Data Purge:
Probabiltiy from 1 to 10